7 perfect white shepherd puppies are waiting for your reservation !

The puppies were born on Sunday 27/11/22,

5 female, 2 male,

the mother french longhair (LOF),

the father german shorthair (parents LOF).

Both parents are taking care of the litter !

The puppies are born in the house and grow up on a 1.5ha forest, property in Provence Verte,

kennels do not exist !

PRICE :   550 €

Numero de SIRET : 94819356000018

Numero de SIREN : 948193560


My name is Angelika Dinsdale,

I am a retired veterinarian and have lived with White Shepherds for 35 years.


For more information please contact me by

email: or

Whatsapp: 0033 6 34 37 30 91



 Now that the puppies are almost 12 weeks old, it is high time to find a good person or family for them. The socialization phase is so important between human and puppy. Therefore, a much lower important between human and puppy. Therefore, a much lower price of 550 €